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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bumble Bees~

I've been a busy bee...while my mom was in the hospital with knee surgery I had time on my hands to do some stitching...so this is what I have done so far. I did the bee because we have several living on our fruit trees pollinating them...

I found that I liked doing my squares according to theme...part of the blocks are more food and kitchen blessing oriented...while others are flowers, garden, garden tool oriented.
But I'm working on squares now~that are family and kid focused...no real plan...I just stitch as I get ideas!
I've also made a list of the most predominant things I feel blessed for and then go from there. Sometimes I look at a stitch pattern, or look at a button and freehand the design, the outline first is stitched and then I stitch the inside...it seems a little easier that way. But I'm now in love with french knots because of our stitching friend Alison over at http://needleandthreadadventures.blogspot.com/
YOu've got to visit her...she does amazing things all with french knots....I ooh and aaaah...so will you!
Blessings to you!


  1. I'm Loving your squares. Your sampler is going to be so pretty!

  2. Oooh! I've been wanting to practice SharonB's (http://www.pintangle.com) bee for some time. Since I have and am grateful for my pear tree and all my flowers and vegetables, I think I might add a bee, too.

    I think your sampler is going to have a "farmhouse" feel to it. Can't imagine why. :^P

  3. Thanks so much for your kind words about my French knots!! :) I'm glad you like them, because I've really become obsessed with them!
    Your squares are really lovely -- you're making great progress. I've fallen a bit behind; hoping to catch up this weekend. Happy stitching!
